I forgot to say on day 70.
My flexibility is much much better with the calf muscle. Easily have enough flexion I think to ski. Just a little bit of pain around the ankle where the achilles joins the heel.
For all those sports people out there that have snapped their achilles tendon and wonder what happens next - well here is my blog about my recovery. I am due to take a group skiing in 14 weeks - WILL I MAKE IT ?........ PS there is a whole year of postings here so click on "older posts" for the full story.
I posted on day 70 and I have decided to post again on David's (and my)day 71.
I said that the limp had gone - that's not fully true; it's still present when I walk at pace. When I am at full stretch with the bad leg extended backwards behind me I feel slight discomfort between the Achilles and the calf. Not enough to slow me down, but enough to cause a slight limp.
I am actually at day 77 now, and it's still there - but getting better.
Jeff UK
Thought I'd also add my two cents as I'm at 71 days.
Well, I can walk normally, but it's something I have to concentrate on. There's slight discomfort when I walk and the pace is slow when I do, but I think its due to a combination of mental (gearing up the leg to walk again and making the good leg not over compensate) as well as strength. I've got good flexion round the ankle in all directions, but the scar / wound is still present. Didn't think it would heal this slowly!
I've been doing heaps of walking and stretching, rubbing at the collagen and seeing my physio nearly daily. Progress is going very well - enough so that when I saw my doctor the other day he said that if I continue the way I'm going, I just might be able to make my kitesurfing trip in 22 days time!
For now, my main goal is getting flex in the calf by bending the knees (as if I'm squatting). I think this is the main goal for me at the moment - to get enough flex so that impacts on the water won't re-rupture the tendon.
Hi, am at my 73th day after op. State of recovery is same as per everyone else here. Still walk with a limp and OT gathered it should just take another 1-2 weeks to walk normally, provided I step up the homework exercise he asked me to. Have been visiting physio 1-2 times per week.
And yes, I ruptured my left achilles tendon while playing futsal on that dreadful 27th Feb and had my op to fix it on 8th Mar
Hi, am at my 73th day after op. State of recovery is same as per everyone else here. Still walk with a limp and OT gathered it should just take another 1-2 weeks to walk normally, provided I step up the homework exercise he asked me to. Have been visiting physio 1-2 times per week.
And yes, I ruptured my left achilles tendon while playing futsal on that dreadful 27th Feb and had my op to fix it on 8th Mar
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