Day 49

Off course I am still limping around. Still haven't got enough flexion in my calf to be able to stride properly.

I am still riding 20km every day and loving it.

Have started working out in the gym. Mainly doing upper body, arms and abs.

Can use a X-Trainer now quite comfortably. Have about 40 days before I go skiing - am I going to make it ???

OT work is still very painful. When he works on moving the oedema fluid around and away from my ankle it is so painful I am dripping with sweat by the time he has finished. I keep on telling myself it is worth it and that when I am skiing on the slopes I will look back at this time as being well worth it.


Anonymous said...

Hi David,
I'm so pleased to find your blog, I'm at day 76.

Probably at about your day 49 stage - my surgeon kept me in plaster for 8 weeks and I'm 60 and a much less fit female.

I'm relieved to find that I'm not the only one who finds that manipulation excruciating.

You've given me the confidence to do more than I've been, you're right the Xtrainer feels fine. Even my physio said no to that.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...


I am at exactly the same recovery day as David and at more or less the same stage of rehab. I think that the key is to get out of plaster ASAP - to at least have the opportunity to massage and lightly stretch the tendon. I stayed in the cast for just over three weeks and my opinion is that this is probably enough. Like David, I have now ditched the boot - but only after careful consideration of my condition.

Throughout the whole process, I have "listened to what my body tells me." That seems to be the key. I am now on an exercise bike every night and last night did 23 minutes or 8km. Each day I will try to go faster or longer. There is no strain on the tendon, but the leg muscles are becoming stronger.

What really surprises me is the difference in rehab programmes around the world and even in the same hospitals!! Some patients stay in a cast for 12 weeks - others go straight into a boot and are told to walk again in 6 weeks. That is the reason why I have found this blog essential reading - David has "been there and done it."

Currently, my tendon feels fine. Slightly tender and prone to swelling if I sit at a desk for long periods. In terms of thickness, it is similar to David's. If the tendon becomes swolen, I elevate and massage it. This seems to work.


David said...

Hi Jeff, if u click on Older Posts you can read about my next 12 months of recovery.

Anonymous said...


I have read them ALL many times over.

Jeff Holt - from the UK

David said...

Ahh of course - you are that Jeff I have been chatting too :)

Anonymous said...

Day 49

I went to the physio and he started a wonderful practice of relieving the pressure spots. It’s a process where he drives his fingers into the muscles of the calf at the most tender points and then drives them further until the pain is significant. Once he is happy he finds another spot of equal tenderness and rinse and repeat. This was by far a step up on previous appointments.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that I am now using shoes in small stints on solid ground obviously off crutches completely. My swelling is moderate and I am walking in the "Darth Vader" boot with a 15% each way. I still ride with no discomfort. I have a heel raiser although I find it uncomfortable and I will replace with a gel one as soon as I can get away from work into town.

Anonymous said...

A snapped tendon brought me here! ^
6 days post op and in a vacoped boot, no cast.Looks like a long road ahead then........